Despite slowdown in business due to financial crisis, job prospects for Filipino seamen remain good because of their good record and performance.Ship Capt. Ronald SJ Enrile, vice president in operation of the Philippine
Transmarine Carriers, Inc., one of the largest crew management corporations worldwide, made the statement to erase the notion that other nationalities like Chinese or Bangladeshian or Caucasian race are more sought after by the worldwide ship owners to work in their ships.
"It was true in the past that the Caucasian race like Norwegian, British, American, among others, held the top four positions in the ship which include captain, chiefmate, chief engineer and second engineer, while the
least positions were given to Filipinos and other nationalities, but today Filipino seafarers are fielding the top posts in the ship," Enrile said.
Ship owners' preference to field the top posts by the Filipino seafarers came in the early 80s after the PTC experimented for the first time to holed up the top posts by Filipino seafarers under the auspices of the Norwegian
flagship (its partner and principal).
Before taking the cudgel of managing the Norwegian ship, the four Filipinos and other crew had to undergo training to upgrade their skill in "seafaring and shipmanship," Enrile said.
"And the result, all the Filipinos who fielded the top posts and the crew found to have executed excellently in managing the ship which triggered the Norwegian and other principals in Europe to hire all Filipinos in the top
posts," he added.
According to Enrile, three sets of Filipino seafarers composed of officers and crew who underwent the training. And each set was comprised of 20 to 21 officers and crew as a jumpstart to raise the level of the Filipino
seafarers competency in seafaring and seamanship, Enrile said.
At first, the ship owners in Europe and in other parts of the world were looking forward to hire Chinese national to work in their ships as it was all right for them to receive lesser payments as compared with the Filipino
seafarers who received higher fees.
The debacle for the Chinese was the language barrier as they found it hard to speak English, but the impediment was removed when they were taught on how to be proficient to speak and on how to write English well.
According to the report, once the Chinese national learned on how to speak and write English well, he preferred to work on the land and not on the ship.