Thursday, February 12, 2009

SWU adopts study now, pay later system for maritime course

lays out a Legacy Program, a study now, pay later system to fund the regimental
Maritime Education for “bright and deserving students, who otherwise could not
afford to obtain an education.” SWU identified Maritime Education as a promising
program considering its high employment probability.

He said that salaries of trainors and master mariners range from $9,000 to $12,000 per month, making them one of the highest paid professionals. Stressing its corporate social responsibility, the Legacy program, a ‘study not, pay later’ scheme will fund the education of poor but deserving student cadets.

“Courses with a high probability of employment for graduates shall be prioritized to ensure high repayment rate and program sustainability,” said Andrew Aznar, SWU chairman of the board.He said that the “demand for qualified officers has been growing at a very consistent pace due to the demands of globalization.”

“There is a need for a minimum of 20,000 new officers in the next five years. Additionally, the current population of maritime officers is aging. Those in European and Scandinavian countries especially, are depleting and there is a marked shortage of qualified officers to fill the need,” he said.

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