Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How to Become a Seaman in the Philippines – Requirements, Training, Salary and Jobs Hiring

How to Become a Seaman in the Philippines – Requirements, Training, Salary and Jobs Hiring

 There are many Filipinos who want to be seaman or seafarer or mariner because of great benefits and high salaries. In this blog they discuss how to become a seaman in the Philippines. How much is the salary of seaman, how is the training and where to apply for jobs at companies hiring seamen, seafarers, maritime jobs and sea-based jobs for qualified crew.



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  2. NSMS offers not just trainings but opportunities also in becoming a seaman.

  3. Take a course in the good maritime schools, you should try the PNTC. They are accredited by CHED and TESDA.

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  6. AustralAsian eLearning Academy Pty Ltd

    Flag Accredited STCW Basic Safety Training and Security courses now available online via eLearning!
    The AustralAsian eLearning Academy is pleased to announce that crew members and seafarers who hold a current full BOSIET certificate can now complete their STCW Basic Safety Training courses online via eLearning.
    Seafarers who hold a current STCW Basic Safety Training certificate and require a Refresher course to renew or revalidate their certificate, can now also complete their STCW Refresher course online via eLearning if they have regularly engaged in safety and emergency drills and exercises onboard.
    Seafarers can also complete their Security Awareness Training for all Seafarers and Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties courses online via eLearning.

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

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